Household waste
Municipalities have waste sorted industrially in order to produce standardized materials that can be :
- Either recycled and used in the place of materials extracted from nature (wood fibres for paper and cardboard, virgin resins from petrochemicals for plastics, ore for steel, etc…).
- Or reused in other forms:
- As organic additives instead of products made by the chemical industry (compost as a substitute for fertilizer),
- As energy instead of fossil fuels: biogas from methanisation used as fuel or reinjected into the network and waste used as energy to produce steam used by industry, urban heating networks, or to produce electricity.
Maximising reuse,
Optimising cost,
Guaranteeing good working conditions,
Ensuring environmental protection.
REY SOLUTIONS proposes industrial solutions to help meet the following objectives:
- Maximising collection rates,
- Controlling and optimizing outflow quality (purity levels),
- Controlling sizing in response to the density of waste to be sorted,
- Maximum availability,
- Ergonomics, taking into account individual working conditions,
- Minimising environmental impact (noise emissions, electricity use, local supply and manufacture…).
Designed and made by us, taking into account the requirements specific to sorting these types of waste (INRS directives ED 914 and 6098, AFNOR standard X35-702, CITEO Minimum Technical Requirements…for CS, NFU standard 44-051 for compost…), customers’ specific requests, and feedback garnered over the last 35 years,
Sizing based on cross analysis, carried out with the customer, of flows and our detailed knowledge of waste and secondary raw materials accumulated since 1988,
Made in France using a maximum of French-made material, in a factory equipped with solar panels that produce more electricity than we actually use,
Integrating innovative technologies developed in-house and/or with our partners (residual waste bag openers, automated stock management system, robot sorting…).